Friday, August 13, 2010

Goose Lake Festival 40 Yrs Later

Hi Everyone

Well its been 40 yrs that the infamous Goose Lake Festival first happened and I want to say a big thank you to the promoters and hosts Linda and Gus Miller for the invitation to play last Saturday afternoon. It was a beautiful day with an abundance of fine musicians.It was nice to finally get to meet Bob Shultz who is one of Michigan's finest and started many moons ago with the Bob Seger band here in Ann Arbor. Nice Set Bob!!!!! Here are a few pictures of the T shirts printed for the festival 40 yrs ago and one for last Saturday. In 1970 they had 3 days of peace love and goosing around in a lake that's 6ft deep at its deepest point Lol.(Quite the line up on the show) Last Sat was a one day event and very well put together, I wish Alvin Lee would have shown up again and said hi Lol

Thanks once again to the Millers and you folks keep posted....
